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The website  is the property of S.C. QUARY INVESTMENT GROUP SRL with headquarters in Ecaterina Teodoroiu street no. 15 City Tg. Beautiful. Iasi County registered in the Trade Register with number J22/2356/2021, CUI 44595113.


Using this site implies acceptance of the privacy policy and the terms and conditions below. 


This document, through its content, makes available to third-party users the Regulation regarding the terms and conditions of use of the STUDIO QUARY website.


The use of the site (including access, navigation and purchase of products on this site) constitutes an implicit agreement to comply with the terms and conditions stated in this document with all the effects and consequences arising from it.


Cookies policy

The website uses cookies to improve the functionality and use of the website by visitors, as well as to personalize their experience. More information can be found here.


applicable law

By using the STUDIO QUARY website, the user agrees that Romanian laws will govern the Terms and Conditions of Use and any dispute of any kind that may arise between users and STUDIO QUARY administrators. In the event of any conflicts, an attempt will be made to first, resolving them amicably, and if amicable resolution is not possible, the conflict will be resolved in court, in accordance with Romanian laws in force.

The administrator of the STUDIO QUARY website reserves the right to modify the content of this agreement at any time, without prior notification to the people who use it.

Users will have permanent access to the terms and conditions of use of the services, to be able to consult them at any time.

Cookies provide website owners with information about the browsing experience of each visitor and help them optimize the website based on the feedback received.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a file with information that, after obtaining the consent of each visitor to the site, is stored in the computer's memory. This data storage system helps each company collect information about the browser and operating system used by visitors to understand their experience on the site.

How can cookies be controlled?

Each user can set their computer browser to block or delete cookies. Depending on the type of browser and the functionality of the computer, these options may not always be accessible. Cookies cannot contain viruses or spyware, they are only fragments of text.

If you have questions or concerns about these terms of use, do not hesitate to contact us at the email address:


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